Electrical Mining Electrical & Maintenance Solutions (EmmS) specialise in providing contract labour hire to the Quarries and the Mining Industry.
Labour Force
Our labour force will handle all aspects of onsite work from High Voltage installations and maintenance as well as site operators, electricians, drivers and general clean-up and maintenance crews.
Our employees are personally handpicked, interviewed and vetted to make sure that they will fit into the local environment, perform well with their peers and be able to contribute to the team environment and add value to our clients.
Work Health & Safety
We pride ourselves in maintaining safety levels above and beyond the requirements of the Work, Health, Safety and Environment requirements utilising state of the art personal and self-monitoring technology to give us the leading edge over our competitors.
Added Value
It is not just our labour hire force that you get but we go beyond in every way. If you need something done fast, or you can’t source something, or you have issues that you just cannot resolve we are at your call 24/7 to keep your organisation moving.
With 30 years of experience our local knowledge and vast support network of Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Engineers, give us the ability to get things done when others can’t, let us do the running around for you so you can keep on moving with the larger projects that you need to focus on.
Client satisfaction and productivity sooner
Our employees assimilate faster, reach greater productivity sooner and are employed for longer because they are personally interviewed and vetted by our management that has over 30 years’ experience in the mining, quarrying and industrial electrical field.
Employees are not selected just from their resumes to assess their suitability, cross fingers and given a job. This process may work for the short time labour hire but rarely works for a stable work force and is far from adequate for the modern clients whom expects results immediately, expects a stable workforce and demands productivity 24 /7.