All posts by wpadmin

Video and GPS Surveillance Policy (#263)

Created 3/10/2019


This policy sets out the framework for the application of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Vehicle Camera Surveillance in Company Vehicles.                                                                                               


This policy applies to all staff, employees and contractors who are approved to drive Company vehicles.

Purpose of this Policy

  • Protects employees from accusations of misconduct or damage claims in some situations,
  • monitoring utilisation of the vehicles,
  • protect the employee against claims of misuse of resources or damage caused by the use of resources,
  • deterring theft, locating a vehicle after theft and recovering a stolen vehicle,
  • scheduling servicing of the vehicles.


  • The GPS tracking system will record the start and shut off times of the vehicles.
  • The camera will snapshot record the employee who is operating the vehicle.
  • The GPS will be operational when the vehicle is running.
  • Data is stored securely and can only accessed by the Director.
  • The GPS tracking device does not track the employee when they are outside the vehicle or outside work hours.
  • Tampering with any GPS equipment in the vehicle is prohibited and may subject the employee to disciplinary action.
  • This policy and the GPS system are not intended to be punitive or used to monitor individual employees, although unsafe and unauthorized vehicle usage may lead to disciplinary action.


This policy ensures compliance with the New South Wales, Workplace Surveillance Act 2005 (NSW)

Employer Expectations # 215


To give employees a clear understanding of what is expected of them in relation to their employment.


To clearly define the expectations of the employer to the employee.

What is expected of Employees

  1. Comply with Company Policy and Procedure. (click)
  2. Abide by the Company Code of Conduct. (click)
  3. Comply with the Site Rules, Policy and Procedure. (Lynwood SHE)
  4. Seek advice immediately if you are unsure or you do know how to do something before proceeding.
  5. Follow all directions from Managers, Leading hands, or Supervisors as long as the direction is not unlawful or unreasonable or outside your qualifications or skillset, or the direction poses a risk to health or safety of workers or employees.
  6. Do the job that you were employed to do; diligently, honestly, safely and respectfully.
  7. Let management know if you are experiencing any hardship or difficulty so any issue can be addressed immediately.
  8. Positive attitude

Your attitude affects the relationships you have with your workmates and management, the way you feel about the tasks you are asked to accomplish, and how satisfied you are with your employment. A positive attitude in your work means that you look for the best qualities in those with whom you work, that you take on challenges willingly, and that you find ways to accomplish even the most tedious tasks without complaint.

  1. Dependability,

Being dependable means that you do what you say you will do. Your workmates and manager rely on you to accomplish responsibilities associated with your job. Your efforts contribute to the success of others. Being dependable will make you a valued employee.

  1. Cooperation

We expect that you get along with your fellow workmates and management to help make your work environment a better place.

  1. Initiative

While there may be specific assignments you are given in your work, there are opportunities to do even more, seek additional work and contribute to improving your workplace.


All employees are responsible for reporting to a supervisor or manager any incident, injury, safety issue or near miss immediately.


Breaches of expectations are considered misconduct and or gross misconduct and have serious consequences including immediate termination of employment.